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About Destiny Calling Academy

Destiny Calling Academy is honored to have a dream team of educators, specialists, and staff. A group of professionally educated, focused, and determined individuals eager to prepare your child's heart, mind, and life for a great destiny.  DCA is the school for your child (scholar)! DCA is a private school in Delaware, serving grades K-12, in a small classroom environment.  Providing instructions and supervision tailored to the right level for each scholar means less stress and more success!



The foundational magnet is the core practices that ground the educational experiences garnered within a school. It is also what attracts prospective parents and scholars to the school in search of specific needs or programs. DCA’s brand is holistic learning; the ability to educate the whole scholar and develop their academic skills as well as their social-emotional skills. The foundational magnet is Social-Emotional Learning-Behavior Academics (SEL-BA). Through our foundational magnet we understand that introducing and developing social-emotional/behavioral skills are equally important as improving scholar achievement.


YEAR 1 - 2018-2019

  • DCA’s grand opening with six new scholars

  • DCA scholars wrote their first book

  • DCA hired its first master’s level intern for its Nutrition program

  • DCA teachers helped improve the academic levels of multiple scholars who were behind grade level.

YEAR 2 - 2019-2020

  • DCA’s second school year opened

  • DCA enrolled nine new scholars

  • DCA hired the master’s level intern part-time

  • DCA became a virtual academy due to the pandemic

  • DCA maintained their academic success rate throughout the global pandemic

  • DCA held its first elementary school graduation

YEAR 3 - 2020-2021

  • DCA’s third school year opened

  • DCA returned to on-premises learning for all scholars

  • DCA hired another intern for its Culinary Program

  • DCA was chosen to be advertised on local radio stations

  • DCA became a partner school to Destiny Calling Childcare

YEAR 4 - 2021-2022

  • DCA’s fourth school year opened

  • DCA hired the chef full-time to lead the culinary program

  • DCA enrolled its first kindergarten scholar

  • DCA partnered with a women’s empowerment organization to give back Thanksgiving boxes to families

  • DCA had its first kindergarten, middle, and high school graduation

YEAR 5 - 2022-2023

  • DCA’s fifth school year opened- A half decade!

  • DCA enrolled 8 scholars

  • DCA offered its first Advanced Placement Course for 8th grade scholars

  • The Assistant Principal received her doctorate in Education

  • The counseling specialist became a board-certified mental health counselor

  • DCA celebrated the fifth year with a silent auction, graduation ceremony, and a new position and promotion to Co-Principal

YEAR 6 - 2023 - 2024

  • DCA’s sixth school year opened

  • DCA enrolled 12 scholars

  • DCA created and implemented new social emotional learning, behavior and academic (SEL-BA) initiatives

  • The nutrition specialist received her second masters and the chef received her bachelors and enrolled in her masters.

  • DCA held several community giveback initiatives throughout the school year

  • DCA hosted their first graduation and award ceremony with Destiny Calling Childcare (DCCC) and the Adult Literacy Program

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